
The Home of Kenneth Bates

Welcome To Bates Motel

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Age: 51 years old
Residence: Hamilton
State: Ohio
Country: United States

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Ken Bates
I was born and raised in Hamilton, Ohio. Graduated from Garfield Senior High School in 1966..... Joined the United States Army in October 1967 stationed in Ft. Benning, Ga. (basic training). Ft. Jackson (AIT) and Nha Trang, Vietnam (20 months)..........I married my wife Bonnie on November 14, 1970. We have 4 children. Greg, Vaunda, Angie and Cre. We also have 5 grand children. Brandi, Ashlie, Aaron, Kenny G. and Logan P. My only sister Pam who lives in St. Cloud Florida.

People in my life that have passed away.
My Dad Paschal B. Bates June 2, 1996
Eli & Doug Allen - My nephews both died of Lukemia

I was associated with the Fairfield Youth Baseball Association from 1973-1988 as a manager, and various positions on the Board of Directors.


Webmaster/Web Development - at 1996 to Present
Correction Officer at Warren Correctional Institute. 1989 to Present
Millwright at Fisherbody Division of General Motors. 1977 to 1988
Fork Truck & Press Operator at Celotex Corp. 1972 to 1977


Country Music Fan of BRADY SEALS (formerly of Little Texas).... Certified SCUBA Diver.......Weight Training......... Left Knee Operations - 9 so far including a Total Knee Replacement and Medial Collateral Ligament....... Fantasy Baseball, Basketball and Football.

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Check out my BRADY SEALS Fan Page

Brady Seals Fan Page ...Hottest Artist in Country Music

Ken Bates
We Will Never Forget

Nha Trang, Vietnam 1968-70
U.S. Army - 17th Aviation Group

My Favorite Links

My Favorite Links
  • Brandi Bates's Home Page My Granddaughter's Home Page
  • Country Weekly
  • USA Today
  • Vietnam Veterans Home Page
  • Scuba Times
  • Sherrick's World (Former WB/Motown Singer)
  • Health, Fitness and Weight Training
  • NAUI Online (SCUBA Training)
  • Sportsline
  • Music City News

  • Bates

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