Bates Motel Psychos



Randy McNutt


Greater Hamilton
Women's Bowling

Fairfiled Youth
Baseball Association


Old School Fitness

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  • I was associated with the Fairfield Youth Baseball Association from 1973-1988 as a manager, and various positions on the Board of Directors. My proudest accomplishment during that time was starting T-Ball and later Girls Softball in Fairfield. I then returned in 2004 to 2013 to do the Media/Publicity position including starting the website during those dates.

    The love of helping kids with youth sports came from Charlie McDulin for whom I played church softball and basketball when I was a youngster. He also encouraged me to help with the WSLL Indians when he had that team...I will be forever grateful for what he taught me. Scuba diving off West Palm Beach Florida

  • Country Music Fan of BRADY SEALS

  • Certified SCUBA Diver Devil's Den and West Palm Beach

  • Me doing handstands in Mrytle Beach 1970Gymnastics At Garfield Senior High School will always be appreciative of my mentors John Vilkoski (Lincoln Elementry)and Bruce Harris (Garfield High School) both were great influences in my life.

  • Left Knee Operations - 12 including a Total Knee Replacement/Total Knee Revision 2012 and Medial Collateral Ligament

  • Fantasy Sports - Baseball, Basketball and Football.
  • Pete Rose, Joe Morgan, Johnny Bench 1970Cincinnati Reds

  • Bates
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